Download Game To Xbox From Disc
Jump to Playing Downloaded Games - Playing Downloaded Games. Access the Xbox dashboard. If your Xbox is off, turn it on by either pressing the. It does work the other way (download a game, get hold of a disc later on, play using that without having to install) so probably. I only know this from other peoples experiences of EA Access though rather than personal experience. Download Xbox games from disc to hard drive Hi, I just made this discussion to see what you guys think about this; If you were able to download Xbox games from the game disc to the Xbox hard drive. Xbox games (disc) - Microsoft Store. Skip to main content. Store Home; Devices. Events, and more from Microsoft Store. By clicking sign up, I agree that I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services. Get technical or download support.
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I recently bought FIFA 14 and somehow I managed to knock my Xbox over and create a massive burn ring on the disk. The game reads and works right up to the title screen, then it says 'Disk Is Unreadable' like any other scratched or burnt disk.
May 21, 2013 - Microsoft's Xbox One will use Blu-ray discs for games, but you won't be using them as frequently as you might have with your PlayStation 3. Even if the game is a optical disk based one, you will have to install it on the Hard drive of the console before launching it, however, the Xbox One has had a very weird problem of slow installation from the first day of its launch. Physical discs might seem like they would have an installation speed advantage — for most gamers, the Xbox can read off the disc faster than it can download the full game from the internet.
Now I know of all the DIY tricks to try and fix this, but obviously finding someone with the game, installing the game, and then using my disk as a 'key' is less risky and should still work, right? Only problem is I don't know anybody with FIFA 14 on Xbox 360, and in South Africa you can't rent Xbox games because DVD rental places don't really exist anymore.
Toshiba satellite c55d b specs. Since I bought the game, 100% original and all, is there a way to download a FIFA 14 image and install it onto my Xbox, the same way you would with a friends disk or doesn't it work like that? Is there another way that I don't know about?
4 Answers
No, there is not a legitimate way to download the FIFA 14 install image from the internet to load it onto your Xbox 360.
Once the 'Donut Ring' scratch has been burnt into the disc, it can very frustrating to attempt to get the game working as you every time you attempt to, it gets further and further into the game before rejecting the disc and saying 'Disc Unreadable', however it is a very low possibility you can recover disc data from that disc.
Is there a way? - Of course!
Xbox One Disc Vs Download
Attempting DIY is an option and worth trying because at the end of the day, the disc is not going to work by itself, but in your circumstances I can see the problem. My suggested options, although they may not apply in your location:
In my local area with GAME, if you purchase a game you have up to 14 days to return it as long as the product is in the same quality and standard as when you purchased it. Therefore I have done this in the past and although it is frowned upon, has no real harm. Purchase a pre-owned FIFA 14 from a store and download it, after the download is done try your FIFA 14 and if it works Hoorah! Just return it with the excuse that your console can't read the disc.
If that isn't an option for you my only other suggestion in your case is to buy the game again, annoying but we have all had to deal with it. Personally I have had to experience this around 14 times, every single time the same reason; I charge my controller using a play and charge kit, wire wraps around my foot and as I stand up my Xbox console launches off the desk. However reality is reality and we all have to face it, some of us are more lucky than others. However, if you don't feel like buying another FIFA 14 due to price, purchase another game for a lower price to keep you entertained until the price has dropped.
Really hope this rambling has helped, just a few suggestions for you. Really hope it all works out for you!
You actually can repair your disk using something called a 'Disk Doctor' or a 'Skip Doctor.'
A disk doctor is a combination of a special resurfacing spray and a buffer (can be motorized, or just a brush that you rub the CD with)
The idea is that the actual data on the CD is burnt in very deep, but scratches and other stuff tends to only be on the surface. You can therefore 'buffer away' the surface scratches, returning your disk to as good as new.
I've tried such technology before and I can say that, at least in certain situations, it absolutely works.
Here is one I've found that is affordable. I make no warranties as to it working:
Rent a game from an internet site like lovefilm, that way they post it to you and then you return it in a certain amount of days. Either that, or find a disk image somewhere (obviously you cant get a legit one) and burn it to a dvd (Tesco ones are best)
Hope this helps!
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Download Game To Xbox One From Disc